而且产品需要小程序有后台播放功能,所以我们不考虑小程序的 audio 组件,即使官方推荐更强大的 wx.createInnerAudioContext 但是不符合需求,所以这里用到的是 backgroundAudioManager()
分析一下:这个页面构成,主要就是进度条和一些icon,进度条之前我自定义了一版,但是效果不理想,最后重构了页面,所以这里用的就是 slider 滑动选择器 https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/slider.html
- audio.wxml
复制代码 { {current_process}} { {total_process}}
滑动事件 bindchange="hanle_slider_change" 开始滑动 bindtouchstart="handle_slider_move_start" 停止滑动 bindtouchend="handle_slider_move_end" 复制代码
- audio.wxss
.audio { position: relative; width: 750rpx; height: 640rpx; padding: 60rpx 32rpx 52rpx; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: center; overflow: hidden; background: rgba(0,0,0,.18);}.audio .bg { position: absolute; top: 0; left: -100%; bottom: 0; right: 0; margin: auto; width: 300%; height: 300%; z-index: -1; filter: blur(40rpx); }.editor { padding: 32rpx; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333; font-size: 28rpx; background: #fff;}.editor view { max-width: 100% !important;}.audio .poster { width: 238rpx; height: 336rpx;}/* 音频滚动条start */.control-process { margin-top: 20rpx; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center;}.control-process .slider { width: 526rpx;}.control-process text { font-size: 24rpx; color: #fff;}/* 音频滚动条end */.audio .icon-list { position: relative; margin: 0 auto; line-height: 102rpx;}.audio .icon-list .audio-icon + .audio-icon { margin-left: 72rpx;}.audio .icon-list .pattern { position: absolute; right: 20rpx;}.audio image { width: 64rpx; height: 64rpx; vertical-align: middle;}.audio .audio-play { width: 92rpx; height: 92rpx;}.audio .pattern { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; margin: auto 0; width: 44rpx; height: 44rpx;}/* 音频end */复制代码
- audio.js
/** * @author: 清风白水 https://www.cnblogs.com/luxiaoyao/ * @date: 2018/07/20 14:36:00 * @program: 重构音频页面 */const APP = getApp()const AUDIOMANAGER = getApp().globalData.global_bac_audio_manager.manageconst AUDIO = getApp().globalData.global_bac_audio_managerPage({ onLoad: function (e) { let that = this, request_param = { articleId: e.articleId } this.setData({ article_id: e.articleId }) wx.request({ url: 'your url', method: 'POST', data: {}, header: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json;text/html;charset=utf-8;' }, success: (res) => { if (res.data.code == 'A00000') { AUDIOMANAGER.onPlay(() => { setTimeout(() => { that.setData({ is_loading: true }) }, 300) }) let response = res.data.data.information // 如果不是从悬浮按钮播放,就重新赋值 if (e.articleId == AUDIO.id && AUDIO.is_play) { wx.seekBackgroundAudio({ position: Math.floor(AUDIO.time) }) } else { audio_background_play(response) } // 置灰上一首下一首 if (response.preArticleId == 0) { that.setData({ is_first_page: true }) } if (response.nextArticleId == 0) { that.setData({ is_last_page: true }) } } } }) //背景音频播放进度更新事件 AUDIOMANAGER.onTimeUpdate(() => { if (!that.data.is_moving_slider) { that.setData({ current_process: format(AUDIOMANAGER.currentTime), slider_value: Math.floor(AUDIOMANAGER.currentTime), total_process: format(AUDIOMANAGER.duration), slider_max: Math.floor(AUDIOMANAGER.duration) }) } AUDIO.time = AUDIOMANAGER.currentTime }) // 背景音频播放完毕 AUDIOMANAGER.onEnded(() => { if (!that.data.is_loop) { that.next() } else { // 单曲循环 that.setData({ slider_value: 0, current_process: '00:00', }) audio_background_play(response) } }) }, // 拖动进度条,到指定位置 hanle_slider_change(e) { const position = e.detail.value this.seekCurrentAudio(position) }, // 拖动进度条控件 seekCurrentAudio(position) { // 更新进度条 let that = this wx.seekBackgroundAudio({ position: Math.floor(position), success: function () { AUDIOMANAGER.currentTime = position that.setData({ current_process: format(position), slider_value: Math.floor(position) }) } }) }, // 进度条滑动 handle_slider_move_start() { this.setData({ is_moving_slider: true }); }, handle_slider_move_end() { this.setData({ is_moving_slider: false }); }, // 点击播放暂停 audio_play: function () { let that = this if (this.data.is_play) { that.setData({ is_play: false }) wx.pauseBackgroundAudio() } else if (!this.data.is_play && this.data.is_ended) { // 这里是判断如果循环播放结束,没有下一首,重新播放 is_ended 是否是最后一首 audio_background_play(that.data.audio_article) that.setData({ is_play: true, is_ended: false }) } else if(!this.data.is_play){ that.setData({ is_play: true }) wx.playBackgroundAudio() } AUDIO.is_play = !AUDIO.is_play }, // 点击是否循环 play_loop: function () { let that = this if (this.data.is_loop) { that.setData({ is_loop: false }) } else { that.setData({ is_loop: true }) } }, // 上一首 prev: function () { let that = this if (that.data.audio_article.preArticleId != 0) { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/pages/audio_article/audio_article?articleId=' + that.data.audio_article.preArticleId }) } }, // 下一首 next: function () { let that = this if (that.data.audio_article.nextArticleId != 0) { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/pages/audio_article/audio_article?articleId=' + that.data.audio_article.nextArticleId }) } else { // 如果是最后一首 that.setData({ is_play: false, slider_value: 0, current_process: '00:00', is_ended: true }) AUDIO.is_play = false } }, onUnload: function () { // 动态切换悬浮按钮的动态 if (AUDIO.is_play) { APP.globalData.is_active = true } else { APP.globalData.is_active = false } } })// 时间格式化function format(t) { let time = Math.floor(t / 60) >= 10 ? Math.floor(t / 60) : '0' + Math.floor(t / 60) t = time + ':' + ((t % 60) / 100).toFixed(2).slice(-2) return t}// 音频播放function audio_background_play(response) { AUDIOMANAGER.src = response.urlCompressed ? response.urlCompressed : response.audioLink // 音频的数据源,默认为空字符串,当设置了新的 src 时,会自动开始播放 ,目前支持的格式有 m4a, aac, mp3, wav AUDIOMANAGER.title = response.articleName // 音频标题 AUDIOMANAGER.epname = response.lessonName // 专辑名 AUDIOMANAGER.singer = '****' // 歌手名 AUDIOMANAGER.coverImgUrl = response.poster // 封面图url}复制代码
- app.js
globalData: { userInfo: null, global_bac_audio_manager: { manage: wx.getBackgroundAudioManager(), is_play: false, id: '', play_time: '', article_id: '', } }复制代码
总结: 在IOS端 背景音频播放必须设置title 才可以播放
更多文章关注 : https://www.cnblogs.com/luxiaoyao/